Market View Q3 2015

Economic and Real Estate Market Snapshot

Article Highlights:
• National economic activity on the upswing
• Homebuilding, business investment and consumer spending drive economic growth
• Housing Market Index increased to highest level since October 2005
• Non-farm employment increased by approximately 513,000 jobs
• Unemployment is under 5% in 49 of the 82 largest metropolitan areas
• Manufacturing production growth is uneven among industries
• Capital markets – when will the Fed raise rates?
• Homeownership rate falls to lowest level in 50 years

National landscape – economic activity on the upswing

According to the latest Federal Reserve Beige Book, eleven of twelve Federal Reserve Districts, including the Minneapolis District, reported increasing economic activity. Largely due to weakness in the energy sector and a stronger dollar, the Kansas City District reported a slight decline in activity. After a brief pause, the dollar rally resumed in earnest following the close of the third quarter, and upward pressure on oil prices observed in the second quarter dissipated, with WTI Crude and Brent Crude spot prices down 17.3% and 19.5%, respectively, year-to-date in the first week of November.

Markets highly correlated with the oil and gas industries have been feeling the pressure of low commodity prices, but lower prices have given consumers more spending power, as retail gas prices have decreased by over 25.0% year-over-year as of the first week in November. The following graph presents year-to-date crude oil spot prices through the first week in November.

spot oil prices

A deceleration in the pace of growth was also noted within the Chicago and Richmond Districts. Similar to the Kansas City District, economic activity in the Chicago District was restrained by softer conditions in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors. Although year-to-date twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) activity was up over 8.0% at the ports in Baltimore, Charleston, and Norfolk, a slowdown in overall port activity was noted in the Richmond District during the third quarter, while persistently weak fundamentals in the coal market also continue to adversely impact economic conditions in the region.

Homebuilding, business investment, and consumer spending are taking on new leadership roles in driving economic growth and are supporting growth in the face of global economic turmoil. Facilitated by a healthy employment market, the housing sector has been a bright spot for the economy, while outlays for capital equipment are bolstering business investment. Demonstrating optimism within the housing sector, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)/Wells Fargo National Housing Market Index increased to 64 in October of 2015, marking the highest level recorded since October of 2005. The following graph presents the historical NAHB/Wells Fargo National Housing Market Index.

National Housing Market

Retail sales show improvement

Although consumer confidence decreased in the final month of the third quarter, retail sales levels continued to show improvement through the close of the third quarter. Retail sales volume is up nearly 2.5% year-over-year, with food and beverage expenditures increasing by over 3.0%. Though overall consumer spending levels are encouraging, sales of automobiles and other long-lived, low threshold items are fostering a significant portion of retail sales growth, which creates some caution looking forward. The following graph presents national retail sales figures and the Consumer Confidence Index through the third quarter of 2015.

Retail salesIn addition, public spending is on pace to add to the nation’s economic growth for the first time in five years.

National employment levels increase

Mirroring the pace of growth noted 12 months prior, non-farm employment at the national level increased by 2.0% year-over-year in September of 2015 on the net addition of approximately 513,000 jobs in the third quarter of 2015. A stronger dollar is proving to be a significant obstacle for growth in the manufacturing and leisure/hospitality sectors at the national level, with weakness in the energy sector also resulting in cutbacks at some manufacturers and declining average weekly hours and overtime of production in the manufacturing sector as a whole. In spite of these obstacles, solid job growth figures drove the nation’s non-seasonally adjusted unemployment rate down to 4.9% in September of 2015, down 30 basis points from the month prior and down 80 basis point from 5.7% reported in September of 2014. The following graph presents year-over-year non-farm employment growth at the national level.

Employment GrowthConditions in the labor market are healthy in the majority of major markets across the nation, with a significant percentage of markets noting strong job growth in already existing tight markets. Over the year ending in September of 2015, 16 of the 82 largest metropolitan areas in the nation noted year-over-year employment growth in excess of 3.0% at the close of the third quarter of 2015, with 12 of the 16 metropolitan areas also boasting unemployment rates below 5.0%. Only two of the 82 largest metropolitan areas, including New Orleans and Richmond, noted year-over-year job losses during this period. Unemployment rates remain below 5.0% in 49 of the 82 markets, with a growing number markets reporting unemployment rates below 3.0%. The following graph presents employment conditions in the nation’s 82 largest metropolitan markets.

Employment ConditionsAs a whole, unemployment rates remain lowest within markets in the Midwest region, while employment growth remains strongest within markets in the West region. The following tables present the nation’s top 10 leaders and laggards among unemployment rates and employment growth.

Unemployment Cities

Economic indicators remained flat

Several leading indicators slipped or remained essentially flat during the third quarter, but readings still suggest a moderate pace of economic growth will continue into the near term. The Conference Board Leading Index® dipped to 123.3 in September, down from 123.5 reported in the prior two months, yet the index continues to suggest a moderate pace of economic expansion in the months ahead. The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index stood at 96.1 in September and into October of 2015, compared to 95.3 reported in September of 2014 and 96.1 noted in October of 2014. Increasing dramatically over the last 12 months, the quality of labor has risen into the top three most important concerns among small business owners, moving ahead of concerns over sales in priority.   According to the most recent NFIB Small Business Economic Trends report, other major concerns include taxes and government regulations and red tape.

Though bordering on contraction, economic activity in the manufacturing sector expanded for the 34th consecutive month in October. According to the ISM Report on Business®, the Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) was recorded at 50.1% in October, down slightly from 50.2% noted in the prior month, with seven of 18 manufacturing industries reporting growth in October. Indicative of slower growth, the Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI Foundation reports manufacturing production is very uneven among industries, but anticipates the overall level of manufacturing activity will increase by 2.0% in 2015. The following graph presents the historical PMI from 2000 through October of 2015.

Purchasing Managers Index

State of Minnesota employment still growing

Non-farm employment growth in the state of Minnesota increased by 1.3% over the year ending in the September of 2015, slightly outpacing the 1.1% year-over-year gain noted in September of 2014. The following graph presents historical year-over-year non-farm employment growth in the state of Minnesota.

MN EmploymentFacilitated by positive job growth, the non-seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in the state of Minnesota fell to 3.2% in September of 2015, down 30 basis points from 3.5% noted in the prior month as well as in September of 2014. The unemployment rate in the state of Minnesota continues to track below the national level, and unemployment levels remain tight in markets throughout the state. As of September of 2015, the unemployment rate remains lowest in the Mankato area (2.6%), followed by Rochester (2.7%), Minneapolis-St. Paul (3.1%), St. Cloud (3.1%), and Duluth (4.4%). The following graph presents unemployment rates for MSA markets in the state of Minnesota, the state of Minnesota, and the United States.

Unemployment by MSATwin Cities employment up

Non-farm employment in the Twin Cities metropolitan area increased by 1.8% over the year ending in September of 2015 on the net addition of approximately 35,300 jobs. Combining to add nearly 22,000 jobs, the leisure/hospitality (4.8%) and professional/business services (4.4%) sectors led job growth during this period. Employment gains in the leisure/hospitality sector were driven by hiring activity within the food service and accommodations industries, while rising payroll figures within the professional/business services sector were bolstered by strong growth within the computer system design and services industries. Further growth in the region was held back by losses in the public, information, and traditionally, low-wage other services sectors.

Capital markets – when will the Fed raise rates?

Anticipation of the Federal Reserve lifting its benchmark rate for the first time in nearly a decade continues to build, yet officials are reinforcing that any rate increases will occur at a measured pace to avoid disrupting a fragile global economy. As of the second week in November, the CME Fed Watch indicates there is a 70.0% probability of a rate hike in December, while 85.0% of respondents expect an increase in rates at least by March of 2016. According to a more recent poll of business and academic economists conducted by The Wall Street Journal, approximately 92.0% of respondents expect the Fed to raise its benchmark federal funds rate in December. Regardless of exact timing, a rate hike in the immediate term appears inevitable, yet interest rates will remain at historically low levels through at least the near-term.

Key RatesAlthough rallying in the first week of November, the 10-Year Treasury is unlikely to increase in lock step with any increases in short-term rates, due to robust demand for risk-free assets, though volatility is anticipated.

10 Year TreasuriesRising yields for corporate bonds may pull some capital away from the commercial real estate sector in the near-term, but the bigger impact in rising corporate bond yields is on the return expectations from commercial real estate assets. Alternative investments, such as commercial real estate assets, continue to offer far greater upside than bonds. While the bond market offers investors greater liquidity, commercial real estate assets provide an investor the ability to take advantage of net operating income growth and property appreciation. Competitive pressures and robust flows of capital will continue to support improvements in the commercial real estate market, putting further upward pressure on prices and downward pressure on capitalization rates as spreads narrow closer to historical norms.

Rates and Spreads 2Among property types, the average capitalization rate spread over 10-Year Treasuries remains widest compared to historical norms within the apartment sector. Capitalization rates continue to compress for apartment assets in most markets and across all property classes, and spreads between primary and secondary/tertiary markets as well as among the upper and lower tiers are tightening, demonstrating strong competition for riskier assets as investor search for higher yields. Spreads tightened in the second quarter of 2015 compared to the first three months of year across all property sectors, with the most substantial compression observed within the industrial sectors.

Cap Rate SpreadApartment market projected to remain healthy

Employment growth and new household formation is driving healthy to strong demand for apartments units across most major markets, though the pace of new construction activity is also accelerating in most major markets and on the verge of outpacing absorption at the national level. In spite of a robust construction pipeline and signs of stronger competition from the for-sale residential sector in a number of major markets, national and regional vacancy rates have not been materially affected. At the national level, the average apartment vacancy rate has remained in a tight band within the low 4.0% range over the last ten quarters. Tight vacancy rates are facilitating rent growth, with asking rents increasing across all tiers. Asking rents are forecast to increase in the mid 3.0% range by the close of 2015 compared to the year prior, essentially matching the pace set in 2014. Effective rent growth in the Class ‘B/C’ segment is outpacing effective rent growth in the Class “A’ segment.

Conditions in the apartment market are projected to remain healthy through at least the near term and into the long term. Favorable demographic trends are expected to support demand, and the apartment market is expected to continue to capitalize on improvements within the labor market, as the brighter employment picture and outlook for entry-level workers and recent college graduates helps to unleash pent-up demand and new household formation from this cohort.

Homeownership rates fall to lowest level in 50 years

While the for-sale sector has demonstrated some renewed vigor, homeownership rates have fallen dramatically and are not likely to reach back up to peak levels in the foreseeable future. Homeownership rates have fallen to the lowest levels recorded in nearly 50 years, decreasing from a peak of 69.2% in the fourth quarter of 2004 to 63.7% in the third quarter of 2015. Homeownership rates have declined across all age cohorts, but have decreased most noticeably within the prime first-time home buyer cohort, age 35 to 44. The national homeownership rate for this cohort declined to 58.1% in the third quarter of 2015, down from 70.1% recorded at peak in the first quarter of 2005. As of the third quarter of 2015, homeownership rates are lowest in the West region (58.7%) and highest in the Midwest region (68.1%), but rates across all regions are significantly lower compared to pre-recession peak levels.

At minimal expense to the apartment market, the for-sale residential sector continued to gain traction through the first nine months of 2015. The national median single-family home sale price rose from $217,100 in the third quarter of 2014 to $229,000 in the third quarter of 2015, increasing by 5.5%. Rising home sale prices were noted across all regions, but growth was strongest within the South and West regions. Median single-family home sale prices in the San Jose (12.2%), Denver (11.9%), and San Francisco (10.7%) markets all increased by over 10.0% year-over-year in the third quarter of 2015. A number of markets in the state of Florida also reported year-over-year growth in excess of 10.0%, including the Tampa-St. Petersburg market, which witnessed the median single-family home sale price increase by 20.7% over the year ending in September of 2015.

Twin Cities for-sale market – increased activity and prices

Highlighted by growth in several important metrics, activity continues to increase in the Twin Cities for-sale residential market. Year-to-date closed sale transactions in the Twin Cities market were up 15.6% in September of 2015, increasing from 38,185 in the first nine months of 2014 to 44,138 through the first three quarters of 2015. Increasing competition among home buyers drove the median home sale price up 6.8% year-over-year in September of 2015, while the number of days on market decreased by 2.6% during this same period. Increasing from $206,000 in September of 2014 to $220,000 in September of $220,000, the median home sale price in the Twin Cities market is up nearly 15.0% compared to 2013. Meanwhile, the average number of days on market has decreased by over 40.0% compared to 2010. Positive trends within the local market are encouraging potential sellers to bring inventory to market, with new listings up 5.6% year-to-date in 2015, but momentum within the for-sale residential sector is likely to take a significant hit if and when interest rates tick upward.

Industrial market continues to be healthy

Although the strong dollar and weakness within the energy sector have held back further growth at the national level, the emergence of e-commerce has led to demand outstripping the pace of new deliveries within the industrial sector. Encouraging demand for warehouse and distribution space, e-commerce sales growth is far outpacing sales growth at traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Although less robust, absorption within the light industrial and flex/R&D segments also remains positive through the first nine months of 2015. Vacancy rates have ticked downward in the face of stronger levels of new supply, facilitating a health pace of rent growth.

Demand in the Twin Cities industrial market continues to be healthy, and strong operating fundamentals are encouraging speculative development in the region. Mirroring trends observed at the national and regional levels, demand in the Twin Cities industrial market has been strongest within the warehouse/distribution segments. Warehouse/distribution and bulk warehouse space accounts less than 35.0% of all industrial space in the Twin Cities market, but has accounted for over 55.0% of all year-to-date absorption in 2015.

Sparking a sizeable amount of demand in the local market, the rise of e-commerce has been a significant boon for the Twin Cities market and other tertiary markets in the state of Minnesota. Positioned at the intersection of Highway 169 and Highway 14, the Mankato area is a prime example, as demonstrated by FedEx and Wal-Mart selecting sites along the Highway 14 corridor in Mankato for new distribution centers. Wal-Mart officially opened the company’s $75 million distribution center in August, while the FedEx facility was sold in September for $7.45 million or approximately $81.85 per square foot.

Office market recovery is accelerating

Surpassing previous peak levels by approximately 5.0%, employment among the traditionally office space using sectors has reached new record levels. The pace of absorption within the national office market was is up nearly 25.0% year-to-date compared to the first three quarters of 2014, as improvements in the labor market are spurring demand for office space. Headwinds, including denser tenant space requirements, continue to linger and the recovery remains moderate compared to historical norms, yet the pace of recovery is accelerating, and vacancy rates at the national level have fallen to the lowest level since 2009. In turn, the pace of effective rent growth in the office market is increasing and now on par with the growth rate observed in the apartment market. Positive momentum in the office market continues to build, but the new construction pipeline is also widening, though speculative building remains at relatively low levels yet increasing.

Occupancy levels in the Twin Cities office market are above the national average, but new construction is underway on several major developments that will introduce a significant amount of new supply to the market’s existing inventory. Combined with smaller per employee space requirements, a number of tenants are simply shuffling into new space from existing footprints, which will put upward pressure on vacancies as new supply is delivered and likely result in softer vacancy rate within segments of the local market.

Retail market experiencing expansions and demand

Although remaining bifurcated, the retail sector at the national level is moving along swiftly in the recovery process. Retailers are following through on planned expansions and increasingly signaling an appetite for new space. Stronger demand and historically modest levels of new construction activity are pushing occupancy levels higher and facilitating a solid pace of rent growth, as landlords gain more leverage in negotiations. Absorption in the retail sector outweighed new supply for the 14th consecutive quarter in the third quarter of 2015. New construction activity remains relatively muted, and trends within the sector include new space being delivered within mixed-use projects and entertainment destinations.

Investors have a seemingly endless appetite for single-tenant net lease assets, while demonstrating a renewed interest in community shopping centers and regional malls in response to improving fundamentals. Sales volume for single-tenant net lease assets remains strong across all retail categories, and strong competition has pushed capitalization rates into the low-4.0% range for well-located net lease assets with lengthy remaining lease terms and investment-grade credit tenants. Investment activity in regional shopping centers and malls surged through the first nine months of 2015, pushing sale volume in the segment up significantly and shifting cap rates downward by a sizeable amount.

Hotel market setting new average occupancy levels

Average occupancy levels may well reach new record levels in 2015, and year-over-year Average Daily Rate (ADR) growth is expected to surpass 5.0% in 2015, outpacing the 4.4% gain noted in 2014. RevPAR is forecast to increase by over 7.0% in 2015. In response to stronger operating fundamentals, new construction activity is rapidly accelerating at the national, regional, and local levels, with new deliveries at the national level forecast to increase existing supply by approximately 2.0% by the close of 2015.

An emerging trend within the hotel sector is the development of on-site airport hotels. A 14-story, 515-room Westin is scheduled to open at Denver International Airport in the fourth quarter of 2015, and over the last 18 months, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, San Francisco International Airport, Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, Hartfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, and Kennedy International Airport have all announced plans for hosting on-site hotels. This trend is being driven by strong occupancy rates at existing on-site airport hotels, and a desire from business travelers for lodging in close proximity to airports in order to maximize productivity

CRE investment activity is strong

Favorable financing opportunities and higher yields compared to other investment alternatives are inspiring investor interest in the commercial real estate sector, particularly for high-quality core-plus apartment and net lease assets with long remaining lease terms and investment-grade credit tenants. Through the first three quarters of 2015, sales volume in the office sector has accounted for approximately 35.0% of all sales volume among the four major property types at the national level, followed, in order, by the sales of apartment, retail, and industrial properties.

Assisted by several massive portfolio and entity-level transactions, year-over-year sales volume growth has been most robust in the office and industrial sectors, which each noted increases of roughly 30.0% in sale volume over the year ending in September of 2015. The apartment and retail sectors also recorded healthy sale volume growth during this period, with volume increasing by 9.0% and 14.0%, respectively, in these sectors. Nationwide per unit of comparison prices in the apartment, retail, and industrial sectors were all up over 10.0% in September compared to the year prior. Largely due to suburban office assets accounted for a greater composition of office sale activity, per unit prices in the office sector were essentially flat, though upward pressure on CBD office assets remains significant.

A more limited amount of availability inventory has provided investors with a challenge in placing capital, but instead of retreating from the sector, strong interest in commercial real estate assets has forced investors to expand comfort zones in term of depth and breadth of investment. Prices in primary markets and within the four main property types are reaching up to record levels, due to strong investor demand and limited available inventory. Surpassing previous pre-recession peak levels, Commercial Property Price Indices (CPPI) in the third quarter of 2015 were 14.5% above November of 2007 levels on a nominal basis and 1.5% above previous peak levels after adjusting for inflation. As a result, investors are increasingly moving into secondary markets with healthy, broad-based economies, including the Austin, Denver, Nashville, Portland, Raleigh, and Twin Cities markets. Investors are also expanding into alternative assets and niche markets on the fringes of the commercial real estate industry, and increasingly demonstrating strong interest in self-storage, data center, parking garage, and life science assets. In addition to expanding investment horizons in terms of geography and product type, investors are increasing their appetite for taking on lease-up and development risk to achieve higher returns.

Illustrating the demand for alternative assets within niche sectors along the fringes of the commercial real estate market, Blackstone agreed to purchase BioMed Realty Trust for approximately $8 billion. BioMed owns 18.8 million rentable square feet of space catering to life science tenants in the United States and United Kingdom, with a high concentration of assets in the biotechnology hubs of Boston, Raleigh, San Francisco, San Diego, and Seattle. A transaction is anticipated to close in 2016.

Identified as one of the Top 20 US Markets to Watch in 2016 by Urban Land Institute’s Emerging Trends in Real Estate report, the Twin Cities market continues to emerge among the national landscape and is taking on more of a leadership role with the Midwest region. Achieving the highest ranking of all markets in the Midwest region, the Twin Cities was trailed closely by Indianapolis (22), followed by Chicago (26), Columbus (27), and Detroit (33).

Sales velocity and volume in the Twin Cities market as well as throughout the broader Midwest region have been healthy through the first three quarters of 2015. One of the most recent notable transactions in the Twin Cities market involved Ecolab purchasing Travelers Cos. 17-story North Tower building in downtown St. Paul for $47 million in August of 2015; however, an increasing portion of sales activity and investment in the first three quarters of 2015 has included suburban office assets.

Increasing investor attention to suburban office assets has also been noted throughout the broader Midwest and national regions. In August of 2015, Duke Realty sold a portfolio of five suburban office assets to Apollo Global Management for over $100 million. A significant number of suburban office transactions in 2015 have involved portfolio sales from sellers that are transitioning away from the office sector.

Rising sales prices and valuations combined with more limited available inventory have restrained further growth, but investor interest still remains strong for CBD assets and some CBD markets are more active than their suburban counterpart. The Chicago market is a prime example of strong activity within the CBD office sector. Following a significant amount of activity in the first half of 2015, Piedmont Office Realty Trust sold the 80-story Aon Center in downtown Chicago for $712 million or $260 per square foot in July of 2015, just after signing Kraft Heinz Co. to lease 170,000 square feet at the property. Healthy demand from users and favorable operating fundamentals have been and projected to continue driving investment activity in the Chicago CDB, with Con Agra announcing plans to move the company headquarters from Omaha to downtown Chicago. Con Agra will lease 168,000 square feet in the Chicago Merchandise Mart beginning in the summer of 2016.

Development trends – development interest remains strong

In addition to strong competition from investors for existing assets, many secondary markets are witnessing intense interest from developers, including the Twin Cities market. For the fourth consecutive year, more than $1 billion worth of construction permits have been issued in Minneapolis. Construction in the Twin Cities has remained strong for apartments in the region’s urban core, but new development activity has not been confined to any one property type or submarket. Similar development trends are being observed in other secondary markets throughout the nation.

More than 100 new construction projects, with an estimated combined value of $2 billion, are currently underway or planned to begin construction in 2016 within the Nashville market. Development in the Nashville market is concentrated on previously underutilized parcels of land in the downtown area of Nashville. Scheduled for completion in 2017, construction is underway on a 30-story, $220 million office building that will serve as the headquarters of Bridgestone Americas. Construction is also in progress on a 27-story, $120 million Westin, which is slated for completion in late 2016. Both of these developments are located within the South of Broadway (SoBro) neighborhood core of the Nashville market, but development is also occurring along the fringes of the urban core and suburban areas.


Latest Valuation Viewpoint newsletter is available online

Shenehon Company’s latest issue of Valuation Viewpoint is now available to view online. Articles in this issue include:

• Shenehon’s Joshua Johnson offers insights on business valuation matters
• Waterfront residential market market toward full recovery
• Are there any prevalent trends in discounts? It depends.
• Real estate transaction: Northland Plaza in Bloomington, Minnesota
• Business transaction: Small rural radion stations still in demand

View the latest Valuation Viewpoint newsletter.

Waterfront Residential Market Marches Toward Full Recovery

By: Katherine A. Ostlund

The residential market has seen vast improvements in the past two years with values approaching levels experienced prior to the economic downturn. Specifically, the market for waterfront residential properties has appreciated steadily with continued improvement expected. Waterfront properties in the Twin Cities market are highly sought-after and command strong sale prices because of limited supply and attractive amenities. Today, there is pent-up demand for lakefront properties due to low inventory during the past few years as a result of the recent recession. As a result, desirable lakefront properties are going under contract at a rapid pace.

Appraising lakefront residential offers a different set of challenges compared to valuing non-waterfront residential property. The appraisal process still relies on the cost and the sales comparison approaches to value, but it also considers additional factors that contribute to value. For example, in the land valuation of the cost approach, the measurement standard is price per front foot of lakeshore. Additional factors considered in a waterfront appraisal include, but are not limited to:
• Quantity of frontage,
• Quality of frontage (marshy, sandy, etc),
• Parcel size to frontage ratio, and
• Quality of any existing improvements.

However, depending on the quality of the lake, location on the lake, amount of frontage, and other factors, existing improvements might not add contributory value. Therefore, in waterfront property appraisals it is critical to examine the local market, the relevant neighborhood, and the specific property to determine if the valuation includes existing improvements or if it is strictly a land appraisal.

Lakefront Properties Recent Sales Data
Based on 2015 year-to-date sales data from NorthstarMLS the average sale price per square foot for all lakefront residential properties in the seven-county metro area, was $213.51 per square foot. For the same time period, the average sale price per square foot for non-lakefront residential properties was $175.87 per square foot.

AverageSalePrice2To illustrate the market improvement, in 2014, the average sale price per square foot for all lakefront residential properties sold was $212.12 per square foot. In comparison, the average 2014 sale price per square foot for non-lakefront residential properties was $116.29 per square foot. In 2013, the average sale price per square foot for all lakefront residential properties was $204.21 per square foot while the average 2013 sale price per square foot for non-lakefront residential properties was $128.28 per square foot.

Although the residential market as a whole has greatly improved, because lakefront property usually trades in a higher price bracket than standard homes, it is slightly behind on recovery but expected to catch up quickly.

High-Value Lakefront Sales
The most sought-after waterfront in the Twin Cities Metro area is generally considered to be on Lake Minnetonka. Prime properties on Lake Minnetonka continue to set the high benchmark of sales in the seven-county metro, as well as statewide. Some notably high lakefront property sales in the Twin Cities from 2014 and 2015 are:


Although the sales noted above set the upper bracket of residential sales in the state, they are a good indication that the residential lakeshore market as a whole is very much on its way to full recovery.

MN Building owners invited to take part in ENERGY STAR Challenge

Owners and managers of commercial buildings in Minnesota* who register for the Minnesota Energy Star Challenge may receive free or reduced-cost:
• Education and assistance related to energy benchmarking
• Building audit, conducted by Energy Smart, with suggestions to help a building achieve an Energy Star rating
*Buildings in the City of Minneapolis are not eligible to receive technical assistance through the MN ENERGY STAR Challenge.

Certain qualified buildings may be eligible for free technical assistance for building upgrades or other measures through the Energy Smart program.

The Minnesota ENERGY STAR Challenge is a statewide project organized by the Great Plains Institute, the U.S. Green Building Council – Minnesota, and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Energy Smart program. The Challenge is supported by a grant from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and in-kind contributions from several utilities. The goal of the MN ENERGY STAR Challenge is to work toward increasing ENERGY STAR Certified buildings in Minnesota to 1,000 and encourage participants to achieve 20% energy savings over 10 years.

For details and to sign up for the challenge, visit

Market View Q2 2015

Economic and Real Estate Market Snapshot

Article Highlights:
•   U.S. employers added approximately 664,000 jobs in the second quarter of 2015
•   90% of surveyed Minnesota businesses positive about economy
•   Activity in the manufacturing sector expanded for the 30th consecutive month
•   Economic growth is supporting improvements in the CRE market, but new development activity is accelerating
•   Construction spending climbs to the highest level in six years
•   Home builders are the most optimistic since 2005
•   U.S. office construction activity was up nearly 25.0% from second quarter 2014
•   U.S. retail vacancy rates are projected to drop 30 to 50 basis points from one year prior
•   Tightening spreads are likely to hold cap rates near historic lows

National Economic Landscape

Several headwinds that held back economic growth in the first quarter of the year began to fade going into the summer of 2015, yet new obstacles came to the forefront during the final weeks of the quarter that largely overshadowed progress made in the second quarter. Temporary economic drags in the first quarter of 2015, burned-off going into the second quarter of the year. Meanwhile, concerns about a strengthening dollar and spending cuts in the energy sector began to ease. After a strong performance in the early months of 2015, the dollar rally began to stall and demonstrate signs of weakening in the second quarter, retracing 1.5% from March to June. Meanwhile, the selloff in crude oil also paused in May into June, with NYMEX crude oil futures at the close of the second quarter up approximately 23.0% compared to the end of March. Retail gas prices as well as WTI Crude and Brent Crude spot prices were also up year-to-date at the end of June yet lower compared to year-ago figures. The following graph presents year-to-date retail gas and crude oil spots prices through the second quarter of 2015.


Economy seeing modest or moderate growth

According to the latest Federal Beige Book, seven of twelve Federal Reserve Districts, including the Minneapolis District, reported observing modest or moderate growth into the second quarter of 2015. Outpacing the 1.9% year-over-year increase noted 12 months prior, non-farm employment at the national level increased by 2.1% year-over-year in June of 2015 on the net addition of approximately 664,000 jobs in the second quarter of 2015. Employment gains in the second quarter were largely supported by growth within the professional/business services, education/health services, and financial activities sectors. The following graph presents historical year-over-year national non-farm employment growth.


Construction Spending Climbs to Highest Level in Six Years

The downturn in the oil and gas industry is hampering manufacturing activity, but growth in the construction sector is anticipated to pick up some of the slack in the labor market left by softer energy prices. Led by a combination of both public and private development activity, construction spending advanced by over 2.0% in the second quarter, climbing to the highest level in more than six years. Further, the labor market for skilled construction workers remains tight, as a significant percentage of skilled trade workers exited the construction industry following the housing bust in 2007-2008 and have yet to return, putting upward pressure on wage growth.

Manufacturing Sector Expanded

While the notable slowdown in the oil and gas markets have served as a drag on manufacturing activity, economic activity in the manufacturing sector expanded for the 30th consecutive month in June, with 11 of 18 manufacturing industries reporting growth. According to the latest ISM Report On Business, the manufacturing sector expanded at a slightly faster pace at the close of the second quarter, as the PMI registered 53.5% in June, up from 52.8% in the prior month but down from 55.7% recorded one year prior. Non-manufacturing activity also increased as the ISM Non-Manufacturing Index was recorded at 56.0% in June of 2015, up slightly from 55.7% in May of 2015. Additionally, nine of ten indicators that comprise The Conference Board Leading Economic Index (LEI) were up in May. Increasing to 123.1 in May of 2015, the two largest contributors to the LEI during this period were building permits and the interest rate spread.

U.S Economy Will Continue Growth Pattern

Supported by improvements in the labor market and healthy consumer confidence, economic growth is expected to accelerate in the second half of 2015, with domestic GDP projected to increase in the mid-2.0% to 3.0% range in 2015. Business spending is forecasted to increase by 4.0% during the year, with further growth held back by energy firms tightening their belts. Meanwhile, disposable income is expected to increase in the mid-to-high 3.0% range in 2015, as a tight labor market puts more upward pressure on wages. In sum, the underpinnings for domestic economic expansion are in place.

State of the State – Minnesota Employment Strong

Non-farm employment at the statewide level increased by 1.5% year-over-year in May of 2015 on the net addition of approximately 42,600 jobs, as payroll figures statewide increased by roughly 20,500 in the first five months of 2015. The trade/transportation/utilities sector emerged as a growth leader among employment sectors in the second quarter of 2015, but increasing payroll figures were posted across nearly all employment sectors. As a result, the unemployment rate in Minnesota decreased to 3.8% in May of 2015, down 30 basis points from 4.1% reported 12 months prior, though up 10 basis points compared to 3.7% posted in April of 2015. The unemployment rate in Minnesota continues to compare favorably with the national level, which reported a non-seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 5.3% in May of 2015. Among regional MSA markets in Minnesota, the unemployment rate remains lowest the Mankato area (2.9%), followed by Rochester (3.2%), Twin Cities (3.4%), St. Cloud (3.6%), and Duluth (4.7%). The following chart presents unemployment rates for regional MSA markets, state of Minnesota, and the United States.


MN Businesses Positive About Economy

A recent survey conducted by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis indicated that Minnesota business service firms have a positive outlook about the economy. Over 90.0% of the 261 respondents said they expect the overall state economy to remain on its current course or improve in the next year, while 88.0% signaled expectations for revenue to increase or remain stable in the coming year.

New MN Jobs Announced by Employers

In addition to an optimistic statewide economic outlook, several companies announced plans during the second quarter to expand existing operations and add jobs. A jobs bill was approved in June that included public funding for Cirrus Aircraft to build out a 60,000-square-foot painting facility that will help keep existing operations in Duluth and is anticipated to help create between 150 and 300 jobs. Anderson Corporation had its official opening of the company’s newest manufacturing facility in Bayport in April. Accompanying the official opening was an announcement of plans for a second major expansion at the company’s Cottage Grove and North Branch facilities, which is projected to add over 300 new jobs. Artic Cat, Blattner Energy, Caterpillar, Dubow Textile, Mendell, Inc., and Rahr Malting Corporation also announced plans for expansions during second quarter that could combine to add up to over 150 jobs and roughly $200 million in investments.

Residential Real Estate Market on the Upswing

After another sluggish start in the early months of 2015, the for-sale residential market experienced improvements through the first half of 2015. Total existing home sales at the national level were up nearly 10.0% year-over-year in May of 2015, while the median home sale price increased by 7.9% during this period, rising to $228,700 in May of 2015. Supported by more first-time buyers entering the market, total existing home sales increased year-over-year for the 8th consecutive month in May. First-time buyers accounted for over 30.0% of home sales in May, up from the year prior, while the percentage of sales to investors, cash sales, and distressed sales all decreased during this same period. Healthy employment growth and compelling rent-to-own metrics are expected to continue to convince some tenants to leave the renter pool in favor of homeownership and encourage activity in the for-sale residential market.

Home Builders Most Optimistic Since 2005

Recent consumer trends have given home builders a more optimistic outlook, and bolstered by strong growth in new orders, confidence among home builders rose the highest levels since the fourth quarter of 2005. The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index increased to 60 in June of 2015, up from a reading of 54 in the previous month and 52 at the close of the first quarter of 2015. In spite of rising confidence among home builders and stronger home permitting activity, single-family home construction starts, though increasing, remain modest compared to more historical norms. The following graph presents a ten-year historical view of construction starts and home builder confidence.


Twin Cities Residential Market Strong

Conditions in the Twin Cities for-sale residential market are stronger than the national level. Although average days on market remained unchanged on a trailing twelve month basis, home sale transactions in the Twin Cities market were up 15.9% through the first six months of 2015 compared to the first six months of 2014, while pending sales were also up significantly. New listings increased by nearly 10.0%, yet the for-sale inventory declined by 9.4% in June of 2015, as the supply of available inventory fell to 3.6 months in June. Spurred by more robust transaction activity, a limited amount of available inventory, and declining distressed sale activity, the median home sales price increased by 9.0% in the first half of 2015. Looking forward, stronger home sale prices should begin to encourage homeowners to bring more inventory to market.

Apartment Market Healthy

At both the national and local levels, progress in the for-sale residential market has yet to adversely affect conditions in the apartment market, though demand is likely to struggle to keep pace with the amount of new supply scheduled to be delivered over the next 12 to 18 months. Despite a robust construction pipeline and wave of new deliveries, the vacancy rate in the national apartment market stood at 4.2% in the second quarter of 2015, remaining essentially unchanged. Effective and asking rents were up 3.6% and 3.4%, respectively, on a year-over-year basis in June. Occupancy levels within the Twin Cities apartment market have remained strong in recent years and rent growth is being observed across all submarkets in the local market.

Favorable demographic trends remain intact to support healthy absorption and maintain strong occupancy levels in the apartment market. Facilitating demand, the pace of new household formation is projected to increase in near lock step with an expanding economy and growing employment base, while immigration will also add to the pool of potential renters. Although demand drivers are in place to support solid absorption figures, operating fundamentals in both the national and local apartment markets will continue to be tested by the addition of new supply through the near-term. Approximately 150,000 units are scheduled to reach lease-up at the national level in the final six months of 2015, and new apartment construction remains strong in the Twin Cities market. Although unemployment rates and the overall labor market have improved in recent years, we anticipate the pace of rent growth within the Class ‘A’ segment will ease as new development reaches lease-up. We also anticipate effective rent growth among lower-tier properties will be comparatively modest until wage growth within the core renter demographic faces additional upward pressure.

Industrial Sector Activity Increasing

All major industrial markets have entered into at least the recovery phase of the real estate cycle, with most major markets demonstrating expansion. E-commerce trends continue to serve as a significant tailwind for the industrial sector, though posing a drag on the retail sector, while the manufacturing sector also continues to demonstrate overall expansion. E-commerce trends have provided a healthy boost in the local market, as the Twin Cities market becomes more important in the national distribution chain with the rise of next-day delivery.

Largely aided by demand for bulk distribution and logistics space, healthy absorption and tight occupancy rates are forecasted through at least the near-term in the industrial sector, but the pace of speculative building within the industrial sector may temper expansion in some markets. Despite increasing new industrial construction activity, the shorter development cycle for industrial development compared to other property types affords developers the ability to be more nimble and react faster to any change in market conditions. Further, consumer demand in terms of functionality and technology for industrial buildings is changing at a faster pace and making older inventory obsolete more quickly. Consumers are demanding higher clearance heights, larger bays, more room for parking, and ample space to allow for the loading and unloading of cargo.

Office Market Seeing Improvements

Although employers are squeezing into denser space and a more cautious outlook compared to previous cycles continue to serve as significant headwinds, the national office market has demonstrated solid improvements since the start of 2015, and vacancies in the office sector are projected to edge downward on positive absorption over the next 12 months. Absorption will remain strongest within the Class ‘A’ segment as tenants seek to lock in rents, and conditions will remain comparatively stronger in high barrier-to-entry markets and Central Business District submarkets.

While progress has been noted in recent quarters, the pace of new office construction activity is accelerating rapidly and concerns linger over pre-leasing activity for many of these developments. Top among concerns is whether demand has picked up enough to justify the addition of new supply or if tenants are simply shuffling from existing space to new space. At the national level, new office construction activity was up nearly 25.0% in the second quarter compared to the year prior and up over 100.0% compared to its recent nadir. Several major office projects are currently underway within the Twin Cities market that will test the depth and breadth of demand for office space. Regardless, given the length of the office development cycle, vacancy rates at both the national and local levels should continue to decline at a modest clip at least over the next six months, putting upward pressure on rents.

Retailers Vacancy Rates Expected to Decrease

Conditions in the retail market are moving in the right direction in spite of structural shifts in consumer preferences. Limiting competition for existing inventory, a relatively narrow construction pipeline in the retail sector should support vacancy compression and spur rent growth in the second half of 2015. Consumer spending and retail sales are forecasted to increase over the next 12 month, which should help support demand for space in the retail sectors, as retailers become more confident in potential expansion plans and the pace of store closings decelerates. Retail vacancy rates are projected to decrease 30 to 50 basis points compared to the prior year at the national level, while year-over-year rent growth is forecasted to exceed 2.0% by the close of 2015. Trends in the Twin Cities retail market will closely mirror trends observed at the national level.

Hotel Industry Activity Ticks Upward

Occupancy, average daily room rates, and RevPAR, three of the most closely followed metrics in the hotel industry, all demonstrated improvement in the first half of 2015. Adverse weather conditions served as potential headwinds in the opening months of 2015 for some markets, yet leisure travel levels ticked upward and have remained resilient to help pick up slack left from softer business travel figures. National hotel occupancy rates are projected to increase from 64.4% in 2014 to the low-to-mid 65.0% range for year-end 2015. In turn, stronger occupancy levels are expected to facilitate average daily room rate and RevPAR growth in excess of 5.0% year-over-year by the close of 2015.

Driven by stronger occupancy and room rates, hotel development and investment activity continues to gain momentum in the Twin Cities market. An entity related to New Orleans-based HRI Lodging purchased the Plymouth Building in downtown Minneapolis in May of 2015 for $20 million, with plans to renovate the property into a 290-room hotel. Meanwhile, a host of new hotel projects are already under construction or remain in the planning or proposal phase, including a new luxury hotel at Terminal 1 of the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. On the investment front, Summit Hotel Properties closed on the its latest transaction in the Twin Cities market with the planned acquisition of the new Hampton Inn and Suites closing in April of 2015. Located at the southeast corner of Eighth Street North and First Avenue North in downtown Minneapolis, one block south of Target Center, the 211-room, limited-service hotel sold for $39 million or approximately $184,834 per room.

Stronger Fundamentals and Current Pricing Trends are Igniting Development Activity

Improving operating fundamentals, favorable financing, and sale prices exceeding previous peak levels are driving the pace of new construction activity. The breadth and depth of construction activity has increased across property types and markets. New construction activity has become increasing robust in primary markets, but activity is spilling over into secondary and even tertiary markets. While activity is strongest within the apartment and industrial sectors, development is also becoming more widespread across other major and niche property types. Further, rising construction spending and overall activity is being supported by both private and public development. As an example of these trends, the Department of Homeland Security broke ground in the second quarter of 2015 on an $835 million, 574,000-square-foot National Bio and Agro-Defense facility in Manhattan, Kansas. More locally, while headlines have been focused on the robust apartment construction pipeline in the Twin Cities, development activity remains strong and diverse in several outstate markets, including the Mankato area.

Commercial RE Transaction Activity Strong

Healthy operating fundamentals, a low interest rate environment, increasing investor allocations towards real estate, and the relative stability of the United States drove activity in the commercial real estate market through the first half of 2015. Progress among operating fundamentals and improvements on the spatial side of the equation have been notable, yet strong transaction volume is highlighting the strength of the commercial real estate market.

At the national level, sale transaction velocity has remained healthy, but strong sales volume in the last several quarters has been supported by a number of portfolio and entity-level transactions, which are occurring across all property types. In April of 2015, Prologis, as part of a joint venture with Norges Bank Investment Management, announced the acquisition of a $5.9 billion portfolio from KTR Capital Partners. The portfolio includes 60 million square feet of industrial space contained within 322 properties as well as 3.6 million square feet of space currently under construction and a land bank that will accommodate up to nearly 7 million square feet of additional development.

In the office and retail sectors, portfolio and entity-level transactions have accounted for over 30.0% of year-to-date sales volume through the first six months of 2015. Transaction activity in the office and retail sectors is also being fostered by strong interest in sale-leaseback transactions. In May, an entity related to Chicago-based Mesirow Financial acquired a 1.4 million-square-foot corporate campus located in New Jersey in a $650 million sale-leaseback transaction. The sprawling corporate campus is leased to Verizon for an initial 20-year term that provides for options to renew or extend the lease. In June, TravelCenters of America agreed to sell 30 travel centers to Hospitality Properties Trust in a $397 million sale-leaseback transaction.

MN Experiences Strong CRE Activity

Similar to conditions at the national level, sales volume for commercial real estate assets remains healthy in the Twin Cities market. Although transaction velocity remained flat on a year-over-year basis, sales volume in the Twin Cities apartment market continues to be particularly strong, as investors do not appear overly concerned about the potential for fundamentals to be peaking. Through the first six months of 2015, year-to-date sales volume in the Twin Cities apartment market for conventional, market-rate 50+ unit apartment properties totaled approximately $285.5 million, up approximately 45.0% compared to the first half of 2014. Two sales involving Class ‘A’ properties in the urban core of Minneapolis accounted for over 30.0% of all sales volume in the Twin Cities apartment market during the first half of 2015, but the largest transaction involved a 402-unit suburban asset in the city of Woodbury, which sold for $54.25 million or nearly $135,000 per unit in May.

Real Estate Yields Attractive to Investors

Through at least the near-term, investors are likely to minimize exposure to bonds, and cash will continue to offer little to no return. Further, a negative return relative to even modest inflation offers investors little appeal to cash, and stocks remain at above-average valuations. Additionally, stock buybacks are becoming a more significant driver of earnings per share growth, indicating companies are struggling to identify long-term investments that will stimulate top-line growth. Significant risk exists within the stock market if multiples begin to compress and earnings growth becomes more sluggish. While current pricing does not reflect peak values for all markets, capitalization rates remain low and valuations for commercial real estate assets are strong compared to historical benchmarks, yet commercial real estate assets continue to have strong appeal to investors, due to favorable returns compared to investment alternatives and stronger upside as a result of improving market fundamentals.

Global economic uncertainty and a likely rising interest rate environment domestically remain among the top concerns for the national commercial real estate market, yet both potential headwinds appeared to serve as an overall net positive for the industry in the first half of 2015. Concerns about the global economy are driving foreign investors in search of relative stability into the United States market, while commercial real estate assets continue to offer favorable yields and overall returns compared to other investment alternatives. Historically low rates and the availability of capital are also providing attractive financing opportunities, and key rates remain well below historic norms to support growth within the commercial estate market.


Capital Markets

After reaching the most recent peak of 2.5% in mid-June, Treasuries rallied through the end of the second quarter and yields on 10-year Treasuries retreated to 2.35% at the close of June. Weak inflation and the relative stability of the United States are expected to prevent a massive exodus from investors in Treasuries, as events at the global level are putting a premium on safety. As a result, the 10-Year Treasury yield may demonstrate some volatility, due to the uncertainty of the Fed’s next steps, but is unlikely to increase significantly by the close of 2015. The following graph presents the year-to-date 10-year Treasury yield.

Barring a dramatic or jarring increase in interest rates, strong investment demand for commercial real estate assets and a wider risk premium spread compared to historical norms are expected to hold cap rates at historic lows through the near-term. In addition to strong investment demand, the anticipated pace of interest rate hikes will still afford investors with a low cost of capital for a significant period and will likely be accompanied by a more optimistic economic outlook. As of the first quarter of 2015, the average capitalization rate spread over 10-year Treasuries stood at 436 basis points compared to a historical average spread of 384 basis points, while the average capitalization rate to corporate bond yield (Moody’s Baa) maintained a favorable relationship. A wider spread suggests that, even in a likely rising rate environment, the market could absorb some small shocks and maintain a low cap rate environment through spread compression, as risk spreads appear poised to narrow closer to historical patterns. The following graph presents historical average capitalization rates (all four major property types), 10-year Treasury yields, and corporate bond yields (Moody’s Baa).

Among property types, the average capitalization rate spread over 10-Year Treasuries is widest compared to the historical average within the apartment sector, though spreads remain wider compared to historical among all four major property types. As of the first quarter of 2015, the spread within the apartment sector was 386 basis points compared to a historical average of 312 basis points. In comparison, the spread between yields on corporate bonds (Moody’s Baa) and 10-Year Treasuries, as of the first quarter of 2015, remained below the historical average. Competition among buyers for commercial real estate assets is expected to remain healthy in the final six months, and as a result of strong buyer interest and wider spreads, capitalization rates are likely to remain relatively unchanged from current levels by the close of 2015.


Rate Liftoff by Fed Could Occur in December 2015

A majority of traders are assuming a rate liftoff by the Federal Reserve in December, but even while the economic outlook has improved, there is no certainty that rates will rise in 2015. Several recent comments made by members indicate the Fed will be more cautious of raising rates too early than too late. Recent analyses completed by Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank suggest the first rate hike will not occur until the first quarter of 2016. Moreover, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) urged the Federal Reserve in June to delay raising interest rates until the first half of 2016, after cutting its growth forecast for the second time in 2015. As of mid-July of 2015, the CME Fed Watch, a tool that helps gauge the market’s reaction to changes to the Federal Funds target rate, indicated the probability of a rate hike in September was 21.0% compared to 39.0% in October, 58.0% in December, and 74.0% in January of 2016. Overall, indicators suggest a realistic outlook is for the 10-Year Treasury yield to close the year in the mid-2.0% range before reaching up to 3.0% in 2016, as investor demand puts downward pressure on rates through the foreseeable future.

Public REITs Experience Declines

Lagging major indexes and renewed concerns regarding the threat of rising interest rates posed a significant challenge to the share prices of publicly-traded REITs in the second quarter of 2015, following a solid performance in the first three months of the year. While the case for operating fundamentals remains generally solid, concerns about rising rates, due to the sensitivity to bond markets, have created some jitters among investors. Shares in the Vanguard REIT Index Admiral Fund (VGSLX), one of the largest REIT mutual funds with over $46 billion in total net assets, declined 7.7% year-to-date at the end of June 2015. In comparison, the NASDAQ Composite Index was up 5.3% year-to-date at the close of the second quarter, while the S&P 500 remained essentially flat, up a mere 0.2% during this same period. The Dow Jones Industrial Average also declined in this six-month period, shedding just over 1.1% from the end of December of 2014 to the close of June of 2015. Given the broad-based decline in share prices among REITs, a number of REIT subsectors are trading at substantial discounts to their underlying net asset value. The following graph presents year-to-date performance of the Vanguard REIT Index Admiral Fund, Dow Jones Industrial Average, NASDAQ Composite Index, and S&P 500.


Hotel/Healthcare REITs Are Hit Hard

Hotel and healthcare REITs were among the hardest hit in the first half of 2015. Hotel REITs have primarily struggled due to concerns of an oversupply, while healthcare REITs have been hit hard as a result of investor perception of lower growth prospects compared to other REIT subsectors. Share prices of Ashford Hospitality Trust, Inc. (NYSE: AHT), Chesapeake Lodging Trust (NYSE: CHSP), and Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc. (NYSE: HST) all declined by more than 15.0% year-to-date at the close of the second quarter, while share prices of HCP, Inc. (NYSE: HCP), Sabra Health Care REIT, Inc. (Nasdaq: SBRA), and Healthcare Realty Trust Incorporated (NYSE: HR) were all also at least 15.0% lower at the close of June compared to year-end 2014. Residential REITs fared the best as a whole, with Home Properties Inc. (NYSE: HME), Essex Property Trust Inc. (NYSE: ESS), and UDR, Inc. (NYSE: UDR) all up over 2.0% year-to-date as of June 30, 2015. Home Properties, which agreed to be acquired by Lone Star Funds in an all-cash transaction valued at $7.6 billion in June, was up over 10.0% year-to-date at the close of the second quarter.

Market conditions appear ripe for additional consolidation within the REIT sector. Following the close of the second quarter, Chambers Street Properties (NYSE: CSG) announced an agreement to buy Gramercy Property Trust Inc. (NYSE: GPT) in an all-stock deal that is anticipated to close before the end of 2015. The merger will create one of the largest net lease REITs, with a combined portfolio including nearly 300 properties and approximately 52 million square feet of space. Parkway Properties, Inc. (NYSE: PKY) is also reported to be in the early stages of exploring strategic options, including a potential sale to another REIT or buyout firm.

Although publicly-traded REITs struggled in the first half of 2015, companies in even the hardest hit subsectors continued to pursue new acquisitions. Hotel REITs struggled mightily in the first half of 2015, as concerns over the expected amount of new supply to be delivered over the next 12 months mounted, yet transaction volume and acquisitions by publicly-trade hotel REITs remained strong in the first six months of 2015. Notable sales transactions included Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc. purchasing the Phoenician, a 643-room luxury resort at the base of Camelback Mountain in the Phoenix area, for $400 million, or roughly $622,100 per room, and the acquisition of the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Austin for $197 million, or nearly $677,000 per room, by Strategic Hotels & Resorts, Inc. (HYSE: BEE).

Data referenced in this report was current as of July 17, 2015, and includes preliminary employment numbers as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which are subject to revision.

Update – Nicollet Mall reconstruction assessment

Shenehon-recommended property assessments to fund the Nicollet Mall renovation in Minneapolis have been communicated to more than 7,100 property owners affected by the assessment. The overwhelming majority of property owners have accepted their assessment, just two owners are formally appealing their assessment. City officials are pleased with the outcome of the assessment process.

Shenehon Company was hired by the City of Minneapolis to research and recommend the geographic area that would be impacted by assessments and to develop an allocation system to equitably assess properties based on their use, location, street frontage and size.

Market View Q1 2015

Economic and Real Estate Market Snapshot

In spite of lingering headwinds and a fresh set of challenges, the national economy continued to demonstrate overall moderate expansion through the first quarter of 2015, but several indicators suggest a slightly weaker pace of growth going forward.  Eight of twelve Federal Reserve Districts, including the Minneapolis District, reported modest or moderate growth, with the remaining four Districts reporting slightly expanding or steady conditions.  Growth has been spurred by improvements in the labor market and healthy consumer confidence.

U.S. employment gains

Non-farm employment at the national level increased by 2.3% year-over-year in March of 2015 on the net addition of nearly 600,000 jobs in the first three months of 2015.  Employment gains have been led by rising payroll figures within the goods-producing sectors, though increasing headcounts were also noted across the service-producing and government sectors.

Consumer confidence at eight-year high

Meanwhile, consumer confidence levels reached an eight-year high in the first quarter of 2015, peaking at 98.1 in January of 2015, as retail sales figures remained solid.  The following chart presents national retail sales figures and the Consumer Confidence Index through the first quarter of 2015.


Global influences stall expansion

Although the national economy demonstrated overall progress in through the first three months of 2015, lingering global economic headwinds and setbacks resulting from falling energy prices held back further expansion.

Indicators show some pessimism, slower growth ahead

Several leading indicators painted a more pessimistic economic outlook and point toward a slightly milder pace of growth ahead.  The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index dropped approximately 5.1% at the close of the quarter after rising to 100.4 in December of 2014.  The Institute for Supply Management’s ISM Index also decreased through the first three months of 2015 and fell for the sixth consecutive month in March.  In addition, the Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI Composite Business Outlook Index also demonstrated some weakness.  While these indicators suggest a milder pace of growth going forward, it is important to note the NFIB Index reading of 95.2 in April of 2015 remains up compared to the year prior, and 15 of the 18 manufacturing industries reported growth in the latest ISM Report On Business.  Moreover, the MAPI Foundation Business Outlook in April of 2015 reported healthy capacity utilization and declining inventories, which lessens the risk of oversupply.

U.S. real estate market improving

Residential market: The national real estate market continued on an upward trend in the first quarter of 2015.  Conditions in the for-sale residential real estate market remain steady to slightly improving, but the declining availability of desirable inventory and harsh winter weather in some regions, notably the Northeast region, held back further improvements.

Commercial market: Fundamentals in the national multifamily market remained relatively strong across all regions, while most major markets noted improvements in the office, retail, and industrial sectors.  Improving fundamentals, attractive financing opportunities, and superior returns compared to alternative investments continue to attract capital into the commercial real estate market, with investors demonstrating a clear preference for properties in markets with diverse economies and technology hubs.  Foreign investors are playing a significant role in driving investment activity, but domestic institutions also have demonstrated a resilient appetite for commercial real estate assets.  The anticipation of rising interest rates remains one of the major concerns in the near term, but the outlook for the commercial real estate market remains optimistic, as user demand is projected to remain positive and facilitate healthy occupancy levels to further drive rent growth.

State of the State – Minnesota snapshot

Similar to conditions at the national level, the Minnesota economy demonstrated moderate growth in the first three months of 2015 despite recording somewhat mixed results during this period.

Employment: Minnesota layoffs

Target Corporation announced layoffs of 1,700 in March of 2015, while three iron ore facilities in northern Minnesota idled or reduced production in response to lower demand for steel, resulting in more than 1,100 layoffs.  In addition, turkey producers in the State were hit by an extremely lethal strain of bird flu, which resulted in layoffs.

Minnesota gains 13,400 jobs in 1st quarter

Overall non-farm employment at the statewide level increased by 1.80% year-over-year in March of 2015 on the net addition of approximately 49,400 jobs. The first three months of 2015 saw payroll figures statewide increase by 13,400.  More impressive, the state of Minnesota recaptured all of the jobs lost from the recent recession in the first quarter of 2013, a feat that some states have yet to accomplish as of the first quarter of 2015.

Job gains in education, health and hospitality sectors

Employment growth in the state of Minnesota during the first quarter of 2015 was led by the education/health services and leisure/hospitality sectors, which accounted for over 90.0% of all new jobs added between December of 2014 and March of 2015.  The following chart presents year-over-year non-farm employment growth in Minnesota.


Unemployment falling, still lower than U.S. figures

The unemployment rate in the state of Minnesota decreased to 4.50% in March of 2015, down 80 basis points from 5.30% reported 12 months prior, though up from the 4.4% posted in February of 2015.  The unemployment rate in the state of Minnesota continues to track below the national level, which reported an unemployment rate of 5.60% in March of 2015.  Labor markets in most Minnesota metropolitan areas remain relatively tight; the unemployment rate remains lowest the Mankato area (3.40%), followed by the Twin Cities (4.00%), Rochester (4.20%), St. Cloud (4.80%), and Duluth (5.60%).  The following chart presents unemployment rates for regional MSA markets, state of Minnesota, and the United States.


Minnesota real estate markets are healthy

Supported by a diverse and expanding economic base, conditions in both the residential and commercial real estate markets at the statewide level remain healthy.

Residential permits up 46.7% from last year

Residential permitting activity through the first quarter of 2015 in the state of Minnesota increased by 46.7% compared to the first three months of 2014, while the value of residential permits increased by just over 40.0% during this same period.  In addition to new residential construction activity, the for-sale residential market continues to post rising median home sale prices and a stronger pace of sales velocity.  Multifamily residential construction activity remains relatively strong in the Twin Cities metropolitan area, particularly within the region’s core, but multifamily developers are also active in several outstate Minnesota markets.

Markets strong throughout Minnesota

Healthy occupancy levels and positive absorption are supporting rent growth in the Twin Cities apartment market, but conditions are also favorable in the Mankato, St. Cloud, and Rochester markets.  Commercial real estate markets continued to note progress in the first three months of 2015, as momentum in the industrial sector remains strong and the pace of improvements in the office and retail sectors accelerates.  In turn, developers are responding to capitalize on favorable market conditions and attractive financing opportunities, resulting in a wider commercial construction pipeline.  Given the dearth of new residential and commercial construction deliveries from 2009 to late 2011, new construction levels remain reasonable compared to historical norms, and as long as the economy continues to expand at a modest to moderate pace, the runway for value creation in the market appears relatively wide and long.

Real estate investors are optimistic

Investors are optimistic on the outlook for real estate in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and throughout much of the state of Minnesota. Relatively robust investment activity continued through the first quarter of 2015, as national institutional buyers became more aggressive in the market.

New record set in lodging sale

In February, Carey Watermark Investors, a New York-based REIT formed to make investments in the lodging and lodging-related sectors, purchased the 214-room Minneapolis Westin for $66.4 million or approximately $310,280 per key.  The deal for the Minneapolis Westin surpassed the previous Minneapolis record of $257,000 per key paid by Loews in the $65 million sale of the Graves 601, which closed in late 2014.

Other significant Minnesota transactions

In one of the largest industrial transactions during the first quarter of 2015, IRET announced a portfolio sale in March, which included four office showroom properties in the Twin Cities.  The four-property portfolio sold for $26.6 million or approximately $72.00 per square foot of total gross building area.  The four-property portfolio included Burnsville Bluffs II, a 45,019-square-foot asset in Burnsville; Whitewater Plaza, a 61,138-square-foot asset in Minnetonka; Southeast Tech Center, a 58,300-square-foot asset in Eagan; and Plymouth Tech I-V, representing a total of 205,494 square feet in Plymouth.

Investment activity in the office, retail, and multifamily markets also remained healthy in the first three months of 2015.  In March, Franklin Street Properties sold the Eden Bluff Corporate Center to Dougherty Real Estate Equity Advisors, LLC for $28 million or $182.97 per square foot.  The property, which is leased by C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. through June of 2021, was purchased by Franklin Street in June of 2009 for approximately $22.57 million, indicating an annual rate of price appreciation of nearly 4.0%.

Notable activity in the multifamily sector included the sale of 222 Hennepin in March of 2015 to Weidner Apartment Homes, but healthy interest from investors and investment activity in the multifamily sector was also reported in several outstate markets.  A private Twin Cities-based investor purchased two apartment assets in the Mankato market during the first quarter of 2015.  In February of 2015, the 132-unit Sunrise Village Apartments in North Mankato, located in close proximity to South Central Technical College, sold for $6.15 million or approximately $46,591 per unit, and in March of 2015, the same private investor closed on the Woodside Apartments, located near the River Hills Mall.  The 101-unit Woodside Apartment complex sold for $11.66 million or approximately $115,446 per unit.

In the retail sector, an Illinois-based firm, Pinetree Commercial Realty, purchased the Village of Blaine for $38.3 million or approximately $173.00 per square foot.  Located in the eastern portion of Blaine, near the intersection of Lexington Avenue and Interstate 35W, the Cub Foods-anchored center sold at relatively healthy per pound price, considering that Wal-Mart has announced plans to relocate from existing space just east of the center.

Demonstrating that retailers remain relatively optimistic throughout the state, Fleet Farm purchased approximately 39 acres of land in Hermantown for $10.255 million, or roughly $6.00 per square foot of land area, in two transactions to accommodate the development of a new 183,000-square-foot store within the Hermantown Marketplace.  The retailer also opened an 183,600-square-foot store, along Highway 22 in Mankato, during the first quarter of 2015.

Data referenced in this report was current as of May 5, 2015, and includes preliminary employment numbers as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which are subject to revision.

Are there any prevalent trends in discounts? It depends.

By: Joshua R. Johnson, ASA

Our clients oftentimes ask us if there have been any changes to discounts in the past few years, given the monumental changes that have taken place in the economy and financial markets. After researching our various sources of data, we can say with complete confidence that it, well, depends.

There are two primary discounts used in business valuation, the discount for lack of control (DLOC) and the discount for lack of marketability (DLOM). From here, the discounts are further subdivided amongst discounts applicable to operating companies, that is companies making products or serving customers, and discounts applicable to holding companies, or companies that merely hold an interest in an operating company or hold a piece of real estate. Given the risk profile attributable to each class of business, it is readily apparent that there would likely be different discounts applicable to each. In most cases, the operating company receives a higher discount than the holding company. As such, we will break down our analysis into those two categories.

Operating Companies

We will start with operating companies. The primary source for lack of control discount information relating to operating companies that Shenehon Company uses is culled from the Mergerstat Review, an annual and quarterly publication that has been tracking control premiums paid for corporate acquisitions. By inverting the control premium, one can obtain the implied lack of control discount. Since 1988, the median control discount ranged from 18.8% to 30.4% with an average and median of 24.2%. It is important to note that prior to the 2008-2009 recession, the lack of control discount trended lower, while during the recession the discount trended higher. Since the recession subsided, the lack of control discount has begun reverting back to the historical average and median.

In regard to the marketability discounts applicable to operating companies, these do not vary as much as the control discounts, at least using the resource Shenehon utilizes called Management Planning Studies, as this is not a market-driven metric so much as a company-driven one. The subject company’s actual revenue, earnings and earnings growth (or lack thereof) are the key factors influencing the marketability discount. Management Planning Studies separates companies into quartiles based on revenue size, earnings size, and earnings growth. Based upon the data derived from Management Planning, marketability discounts range from a low of 17.9% for a company with revenues in excess of $53 million to a high of 32.7% from companies with revenues below $9.1 million. For earnings the lack of marketability discount ranges from 16.7% for companies with earnings in excess of $2.9 million to 40.2% for companies with earnings of less than $400,000. Finally for earnings growth, the discounts range from 16.0% for companies growing earnings at between 50% and 150% annually to a discount of 36.6% for companies experiencing earnings growth of between 1% and 50% annually. Interestingly, these are the second and third quartiles, whereas the first and fourth quartiles have higher and lower discounts, respectively. We then weight and arrive at a reconciled marketability discount applicable to the subject company.

The last two items to consider when applying discounts to an operating company, is the existence of a shareholder/member/partner control agreement, and the level of distributions that the company has been making to the owners. Depending on the covenants outlined in the agreement, this will hold significantly more influence on potential discounts for marketability than the metrics applied above in the Management Planning Studies.

The control and marketability discounts discussed thus far assume no agreement to a neutral agreement, with no provisions that would be considered out of the ordinary for a company of the type being analyzed. Overly restrictive agreements will cause potential discounts to increase, and is much more qualitative as a result. Distributions, whether there are any at all or a significant amount as a percent of earnings, can also have significant influence on potential marketability discounts. Distributions in turn are impacted by the strength of earnings and any debt covenants. The Management Planning Studies do not consider distributions or distribution potential in its metrics.

Holding Companies

The second type of company discounts we will look at involve those applied to holding companies. With holding companies, since there is usually significantly less operational risk, we turn directly to the stock market for our data. There is a class of investment called closed-end funds, which are publicly traded mutual funds. Where these differ from the mutual funds prevalent in many retirement plans, is that there are a finite number of shares issued, as opposed to the more prominent mutual funds in retirement accounts that constantly issue new shares as new money is deposited and invested. Another well-known feature of closed-end funds is that on average, the closed-end funds typically trade at a discount from the funds net asset value (NAV). That is, the 100% market value of the fund is something less than the 100% book value of the assets owned. Given that closed-end funds are empirically purer than many other investments from a dilution standpoint, and trade at a discount to NAV, this implies that the primary cause for the fund trading below NAV is due to a lack of control on the part of the shareholders. As these are market-based prices, subject to influences from broad economic and financial changes, these discounts change daily. Over the last several years, these discounts ranged from a low of 5% to a high of 19%, but have varied within a tight range of 10% to 14% since the end of the recession for a lack of control discount.

The marketability discount applicable to holding companies is unique from everything we discussed thus far, as it is largely driven by the agreements placed upon the shareholders/members/partners of the company, primarily as it relates to distributions of earnings or cash flow. There are three central tenants influencing the marketability discount as Shenehon applies it. First, what is the extent of the lack of control? This is a fine line, as we must ensure that we do not double count with respect to the DLOC already applied. What this attempts to convey is, are there any other factors present in the corporate structure that cause a deviation from neutral (with the assumption that the closed-end fund derived DLOC is neutral)? This could include a majority shareholder, for example. The second factor revolves around the quality of the underlying asset. If the asset is a high-quality real estate property that is cash flowing, the corresponding discount would be lower than an investment in the equity of a tech start-up. Finally, the third factor revolves around the agreement itself. Are the provisions overly restrictive, are distributions frequently made, can an interest be freely transferred? Based on these three factors, the applicable lack of marketability discount can generally range from a low of 10% to a high of 25%.


As stated at the start of our discussion, the discounts applicable to both operating and holding companies vary widely and are dependent on underlying factors unique to the company itself. While the economy and financial markets have some influence on discounts applied, the agreements in place and underlying assets owned will primarily drive the discounts in both the case of the holding company and the operating company (where the underlying asset for the operating company is the intangible value inherent in its product/service).
The application of discounts for lack of control and lack of marketability is a slowly evolving field, whereby practitioners and academics alike test and theorize about new methods of accounting for control (or lack thereof) and marketability (or lack thereof) within a company. However, few of these new methods of discounting have stood up to rigorous testing and been widely accepted in the valuation community.

If you have any further questions regarding discounts or trends in discounts, please contact Shenehon Company at 612-333-6533.

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