Entries by Shenehon Company

Damages During Road Construction Projects

by Keeshawn Aleksuk and Robert Strachota In the real estate world, the government has the legal power to take all or a portion of private property if the property is necessary for public use.  Just compensation is the payment the government has to pay for taking private property.  This process is referred to as eminent […]

Supply Chain Crisis

by Thomas Bauer Amid the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, the global economy was hit with yet another major setback:  a supply chain crisis.  Global supply chains have been under extreme pressure recently, with several major transportation and logistics companies reporting backlogs at ports of entry and lost cargo.   These delays have been caused by […]

COVID Impact on Valuations

by Madeline Strachota Since March of 2020, clients have asked us about the impact of COVID on the value of their business or real estate. We believe that there is no one-size-fits-all, uniform “COVID discount” nor “COVID premium.” Sectors of the economy have encountered different positive and negative microeconomic impacts from COVID. In fact, sub-sectors […]

Rising Inflation in America

by Thomas Blomgren One of the major talking points over the past year has been rising inflation in the United States economy. Whether it be at the gas pump, grocery store, or in workplace wages, rising prices have touched just about every part of life. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. inflation increased […]

Reuse of Existing Structures

by Brock Boatman Adaptive reuse of existing properties continues to be an interesting development opportunity in the Twin Cities, particularly in downtown Minneapolis. However, the data suggests that not all opportunities are equal. The simple example is the continued conversion of aged warehouses and offices in the North Loop, where conversion to residential uses has […]

State of the Real Estate Market

by Robert Strachota and Ellis Beck Over the past year, we have seen continued growth in real estate. Here is a breakdown by market type. Single Family Residential Determining what is normal in these abnormal times is a challenging proposition. Pending sales contracts of single-family homes were up 0.8% from November 2020 and up 15.9% from November […]

Inflation Update

by Emma Niemela Following the report of 5.4 percent inflation for the trailing twelve months ended June 2021, the Federal Reserve is predicting elevated inflation to be a temporary phenomenon, normalizing after the “perfect storm of high demand and low supply” ceases. However, multiple chief executives have differing opinions. According to the latest Bureau of […]

Comparing Controlling Interest Transactions – Common Mistakes Valuation Analysts Make When Using the Controlling Interest Transaction Method to Value a Business

by Cody Lindman When valuing a business, valuation analysts consider three approaches to value: the income approach, the market approach, and the asset approach. Two of the most common valuation methods within the market approach are the guideline public company method and the controlling interest transaction method. When utilizing the controlling interest transaction method, the […]

New Legislation Allows Appraisers to Perform Evaluations

by Natalie Mandley and Christopher Stockness The State of Minnesota recently passed legislation that allows appraisers to provide evaluations in addition to the appraisals they are already licensed to provide to the public. What does this legislation mean and how does it impact you? What has changed? The Appraisal Institute provides this explanation of what […]