Federal Rules of Evidence Change
Expert Witness Discovery Rules Changed on December 1, 2010 Forensic accountants and valuation experts will now enjoy greater work-product protections as a result of key changes in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Draft reports and most communications between an expert and the retaining attorney are considered privileged. Over the years, opposing sides employed a […]
Central Corridor: Underlying Valuation Issue
By: John T. Schmick While many people are aware of the plans to expand light rail service between Minneapolis and St. Paul, few understand how underlying zoning issues will impact property values in the new corridor. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) must acquire enough land to support the construction and operation of the light […]
The Recession is Over: Should Someone Inform the Real Estate Industry?
By: Robert J. Strachota It’s official! The National Bureau of Economic Research recently announced that the recession ended in June of 2009. However, most real estate professionals, including the majority of our clients, report that economic conditions for the real estate industry have worsened. On a positive note, of 170 major metropolitan areas in the […]
St. Thomas University Creates Real Estate Hall of Fame
By Scott Carlson, Finance & Commerce Reprinted with permission from Finance & Commerce. Aviation has one. So do bass fishing, radio broadcasting, professional hockey and rock music. Soon, there will also be a hall of fame for Minnesota real estate pros. The head of the Shenehon Center for Real Estate at the University of St. […]
Credibility in the Tax Court
By Timothy A. Rye, Appraiser Three recent tax appeal cases illustrate that comprehensive research and attention to detail are key components of credibility in the Tax Court. The burden of proof weighs heavily on the appraiser; indeed, it may make or break a case. To prevail in court, the appraiser must submit evidence that the […]
Overhead Utility Crossings: Is the Impact Based on Perception or Reality?
Shenehon Company is pleased to announce an upcoming article by John Schmick and Robert Strachota in the July/August 2010 issue of International Right of Way Association Magazine regarding compensation for Overhead Utility Crossings. The extensive infrastructure of utility pipelines and power lines in the United States ultimately creates situations where utility lines cross active railroad […]