Bob Strachota to Chair IBA’s Board of Governors

Bob Strachota has been elected Chair of the Institute of Business Appraisers (IBA) Board of Governors. As Chair of the Board of Governors, Bob Strachota will be responsible for participating in strategic planning, overseeing Board of Governor meetings and activities, and other Boards and Committees. IBA is very pleased that Bob has offered his strong […]

Valuing the Private Company in a Recession – By William C. Herber

Comparable data for private companies has changed dramatically over the last eight to ten years. In light of current economic conditions, the valuation professional must be aware of these changes and carefully consider the reliability of sales multiples and transaction data. Following is a short history of what has transpired from the private company perspective […]

Recent Court Decision Affirms a Broader Scope for Discounts

By: Heather M. Burns Helfman v. Johnson – Minnesota Court of Appeals, A08-0396, February 24, 2009 Hennepin County District Court, File No. 27-CV-06-2578 The Minnesota Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court’s decision to apply a 24.6% discount to the undiscounted value of a closely held title insurance company in a fair value determination for […]

Court of Appeals Notes that District Court Relied on Shenehon Company’s Appraisal

By: Wendy S. Cell In January 2008, Shenehon Company was part of a team offering expert testimony on behalf of SJC Properties, LLC, et al, concerning the special benefit conferred as a result of the 40th Street project in Rochester, Minnesota. The Olmsted County District Court found the evidence established that the city’s special assessment […]

Recessionary Market Alters the Timeline for Development Projects – By Timothy A. Rye

Record levels of residential development occurred from 2000 to the peak of the market in roughly 2006. Financing was readily available and potential buyers, eager to take advantage of low interest rates and unusual mortgage terms, flooded the market. This rapid increase in demand for new homes created a development boom. By 2008, as financing […]

Investment Properties: Valuing Partially Completed Construction Projects – By Robert H. Brown

Appraising investment properties which are incomplete is complicated in the best of times. Developing a reliable valuation in the current economic downturn requires attention to detail and methodology. Shenehon Company has provided fair market values of partially completed residential, industrial, office and retail projects in various stages of development ranging from footings-only-in-place to a nearly […]