Frequently Asked Questions on Tax Increment Financing (TIF)

By Heather M. Burns Shenehon Company often works with clients in the early stages of real estate development projects to navigate the options available and determine the best way to set the groundwork for a successful project. One financing tool that can be utilized, but is not always fully understood, is tax increment financing (TIF). […]

Retooling Older Buildings: A Popular Trend for Urban Office Space

By Daniel L. Wojcik The retooling and repurposing of older buildings has become an increasingly popular trend in urban office markets across the country. Companies are investing in modern office spaces as a tool to attract and retain young talent in the workforce. A shortage of modern Class “A” office space has opened the door […]

2016 Q4 Economic and Real Estate Wrapup and a Look Ahead

In spite of lingering global economic concerns, the U.S. economy continued to expand through the first 11 months of 2016.  According to the latest Beige Book, most districts indicated a modest to moderate pace of growth, and the overall economic outlook for the U.S. economy remains positive.  Tightening labor markets were reported in seven districts, […]

Economy and Real Estate Market View – Q3 2016

In spite of lingering global economic concerns, the U.S. economy continued to expand through the first nine months of 2016.  According to the latest Beige Book, most districts indicated a modest to moderate pace of growth, and the overall economic outlook for the U.S. economy remains positive.  Providing an optimistic outlook, labor markets remain tight, […]

Shenehon Vessel on Lake Superior – Is There a Connection to Shenehon Company?

Some of our clients have reported seeing a 65.5-foot boat named Shenehon in Bayfield, Wisconsin on Lake Superior and wondered about the boat’s story. The vessel is a converted Tug-Transport (T) boat, built in 1953 by the U.S. Army.  It is now part of a fleet of vessels operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric […]

Solar Energy: Balancing Interests in Real Property

By Michael J. Amen At a time when climate change is having widespread impact on the world’s ecosystem, the need to expedite development of renewable energy sources is vital.  A rising source of renewable energy is solar or photovoltaic cells, the fastest growing source of renewable energy in America, according to a report from the […]