Real Estate Taxes: Calculation, Methodology and Trends

By Wendy S. Cell and Robert J. Strachota, MAI, MCBA, CRE® Real estate taxes vary widely throughout the Twin Cities area for many reasons. The primary factors that determine property taxes are the tax levies of the district the property is in, the value of the property relative to the value of all other properties […]

The Condition of Business and Real Estate Asset Values

By Robert J. Strachota, MAI, MCBA, CRE® Note:  The following article is a presentation given by Shenehon President Robert Strachota at the Minneapolis Business Law Institute on May 2, 2016. I am Bob Strachota, president of Shenehon Company, which appraises businesses and commercial real estate throughout Minnesota and more than 40 other states.  We know […]

Industrial Market – 2015 Recap

Demand Posting positive demand for the 23rd consecutive quarter in the fourth quarter of 2015, absorption in the national industrial market totaled nearly 220 million square feet during the year, with the pace of absorption increasing across most major markets.  Several trends and factors are supporting strong demand in the industrial sector. Most notably, e-commerce […]

Retail Market – 2015 Recap

Demand Bolstered by a relatively modest rate of new construction activity, increasing personal income levels, and lower fuel prices, demand in the national retail market outpaced new supply in all four quarters of 2015, as positive absorption across all property subtypes facilitated improving market fundamentals.  Demand for available retail space in the neighborhood/community segment was […]

Economy Market View – 2015 Recap

According to the latest Beige Book, seven of twelve Federal Reserve Districts, including the Minneapolis District, reported increasing economic activity.  Economic activity in four of the remaining five districts was noted as mixed or flat, with economic activity declining in the Kansas City district, due to weakness in the energy and manufacturing sectors. Construction, business […]

Office Market – 2015 Recap

Demand While continuing to face headwinds, encouraging demand was observed in the national office market in 2015, facilitating an increase in absorption at the national level compared to the year prior. Supporting demand, payroll figures among the traditional office-using employment sectors increased by nearly 3.0% year-over-year in 2015 on the net addition of nearly 1.5 […]