Brock L. Boatman
Brock is a real estate valuation analyst at Shenehon Company. Brock has extensive experience in real estate valuation, working with Marquette Advisors Real Estate Consultants, CBRE, Reznick Group, and Integra Realty Resources, among other companies. These past roles helped lay the framework for his current role, providing valuations for all types of real estate. Because of this background, Brock excels at helping clients with their financing and investment decisions. Brock has worked in Kansas City, Washington D.C., and Minneapolis, and he has performed appraisals in no less than 17 states.
Senior Real Estate Valuation Analyst
• University of Missouri, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration and Finance. Bachelor of Science, Business Economics
• Minnesota Trainee License No. 40483188
• “Market Insights: Reuse of Existing Structures,” Valuation Viewpoint, Winter 2021/22
• “Market Insights: Condominiums,” Valuation Viewpoint, Winter/Spring 2020
• “Market Insights: Opportunity Zones,” Valuation Viewpoint, Winter/Spring 2020
• “Minneapolis Mulls Renter Protections,” Valuation Viewpoint, Fall 2019
• “Waving, not Drowning,” Valuation Viewpoint, Spring 2019